
Brodie Red Modern Tartan Fabric Swatch

Usually 1 - 2 Weeks


The Province of Moray has been the home of the Brodies since the 12th century and Brodie Castle, near Forres, is the home of the chief. In 1645 Lord Lewis Gordon burned the old Brodie house and the family charters and papers were destroyed. It is thus difficult to find much regarding the clan's early history. John of Brodie is said to have assisted the Mackenzies against the MacDonalds at the Battle of Blair-na-Park in 1466, and in 1550 Alexander Brodie and over 100 others were denounced as rebels for attacking Cumming of Altyre. Alexander Brodie of Brodie was a Senator of the College of Justice and Member of Parliament from 1643 to 1649. Badge Periwinkle.
Size will vary depending on sett size, pattern repeat and type of fabric.