By Gill Humphreys. This map shows the battle sites, the Declaration of Arbroath, the Raising of the Standard and the locations of nearly two hundred fifty of the major Clans and Battlefields. Also included are miniature portraits of William Wallace, Prince Edward, Charles Stuart and Robert the Bruce.
It has been hand drawn, before being printed on the highest quality paper. As well as being an educational document, it is also a beautiful piece of artwork that will enhance any home that is proud of its Scottish heritage
It is posted in a strong protective tube and we offer a lifetime guarantee. It is difficult to convey the stunning quality of this map on a website but you will be delighted with it when you receive it.
The map shows the approximate location of two hundred and seventy of the most common Scottish surnames. It gives a general idea of where the main clans were located but near the main towns and cities the names have been necessarily compressed.
The earliest accurate records began after the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
Although Scotland remained unconquered and a sovereign and independent state until after the Act of Union in 1707 the invading Edward I initiated "The Ragmen Roll" in 1296. This was a list of mainly lowland Scots nobility, landlords and civic authorities. The names on the map are either mentioned in "The Ragman Roll" or else are taken from the earliest possible reference to a particular individual from the relevant district.
Many names were widespread and it is virtually impossible to locate accurately where the first "Brown", or "Young", or "Auld"; might have come from.
This map features the names: Abercrombie, Abernethy , Adair, Adamson, Agnew , Ainslie, Alexander, Allan, Allardyce, Anderson , Anstruther, Arbuthnot, Archbold, Armstrong, Baillie, Bain, Baird, Balfour, Ballantyne, Barclay, Baxter, Beaton, Beattie, Bell, Bisset, Blair, Blake, Blyth, Borthwick, Boswell, Boyle, Bradley, Bremner, Brodie, Broun, Brown, Bruce, Buchan, Buchanan, Budge, Burnett, Burns, Butter, Cairns, Cambell, Cameron, Cargill, Carlisle, Carlyle, Carmichael, Carnegy, Carruthers, Carson, Cathcart, Chalmers, Chapman, Charteris, Chattan, Cheyne, Chisholm, Cochrane, Cockburn, Collingwood, Colquhoun, Cook, Corbett, Corquodale, Coutts, Crawford, Crichton, Croser, Cummings, Cummins, Cunningham, Currie, Dalgleish, Dalzell, Dawson, Dean, Dixon , Douglas, Drummond, Duff, Dunbar, Dunlop, Durie, Edgar, Edmonstone, Elliott , Erskine, Farquharson, Fergusson, Finlayson, Fleming, Fletcher, Forbes, Forrester , Forster, Fotheringham, Fowler, Fraser , Fullerton, Galbraith, Galloway , Gayne, Gayre, Geddes, Gibson, Gledstone, Glendinning, Glengarry, Gordon, Gow, Graham, Grant, Gray, Grierson, Gruer, Gunn, Guthrie, Haig, Haldane, Hall, Hamilton, Hannay, Hastings, Hay, Henderson, Hendry, Hepburn, Heron, Herriott, Hogg, Home, Houston, Hunter, Innes, Irvine, Jamieson, Jardine, Johnstone, Keith, Kennedy, Kerr, Kidd, Kinnear, Kirkpatrick, Knox, Kyle, Laidlaw, Lamont, Lang , Lauder, Lawson, Learmonth, Leask, Leith, Lennox, Leslie, Lindsay, Little, Livingstone, Lockhart, Logan, Lumsden , Lundin, Lyon, Macadam, Macallister, Macalpine, Macarthur, Macartney, Macaskill, Macaulay, Macbean, Macbeath, Macdonald, Macdonnell, Macdougall, Macdowell, Macduff , Macewan, Macfie, Macgillivray, Macgregor, Macguffock, Macinnes , Macintyre, Maciver, Mackay, Mackenna, Mackenzie, Mackiain, Mackie, Mackinnon, Mackintosh, Maclachlan, Maclaren, Maclaverty, Maclean, Maclellan, Maclennan, Macleod, Macmartin, Macmaster, Macmicking, Macmillan, Macnab, Macnaughton, Macneish, Macnichol, Macoll, Macpherson, Macquarrie, Macqueen, Macrae, Macsporran, Mactavish, Macthomas, Maculloch, Macvanish, Maitland, Malcolm, Mar, Marjoribanks, Martyn, Matheson, Maule, Maxwell, Meldrum, Meldrum, Melville, Menzies, Mercer, Moffat, Moncrieffe, Moncur, Monro, Montgomery, Morgan, Morrison, Morton, Mowatt, Muir, Murchison, Murray, Napier, Neilson, Newlands, Nicholson, Nixon, Ogilvie, Oliphant, Oliver, Patterson, Paxton, Pollock, Pringle , Ramsay, Ranald, Rattray, Reay, Redpath, Reid, Riddel, Robertson, Robson, Rollo, Rose, Ross, Roxburgh, Rutherford, Ruthven, Sandiland, Schaw, Scotland, Scott, Scrymgeour, Sempill, Seton, Shanks, Shaw, Simpson, Sinclair, Skene, Skinner, Sneddon, Somerville, Souter, Spalding, Spens, Stewart, Stirling, Strachan, Straiton, Strang, Stuart, Sutherland, Swinton, Telfer, Thomson, Torrance, Trail, Trotter, Turnbull, Tweedie, Udney, Urquart, Vaus, Walker, Wallace, Wardlaw, Watson, Webster, Wedderburn, Weir, Wells, Wemys, Whitelaw, Wilkie, Wilson, Wishart, Wood, Woodroff, Wylie, Young, Yule.