
MacArthur Ancient Tartan Fabric Swatch

Usually 1 - 2 Weeks


A Gaelic proverb has it that "there is nothing older than the Hills, MacArthur and the Devil". Undoubtedly the MacArthurs formed the senior branch of Clan Campbell, from the days of Robert II, when the King conferred the lands of Strachur on Arthur Campbell from whom the Clan derives its name, to the days of James I, when their chief, John, was executed and their power began to wane. The MacArthurs supported Bruce and were rewarded by lands which had formerly belonged to the MacDougalls. The chief-ship is doubtful, but may reside today in the MacArthurs of Islay. John MacArthur of Strachur who went to Australia at the end of the 18th century with his regiment, built up the colony of New South Wales, virtually laying the foundations of the two great industries of wool and wine. Badge Myrtle.
Size will vary depending on sett size, pattern repeat and type of fabric.