12th May 2015
Scottish Events August 2015
AUGUST 2015Aboyne Highland Games
August 1
www.aboynegames.comLàMór a’ Chlachain/Highland Village Day
August 1
www.highlandvillage.novascotia.ca/what-see-do/la-mor-chlachain-highland-village-dayNewtonmore Highland Games
August 1
www.c2967182.myzen.co.ukSpokane Highland Games
August 1
www.spokanehighlandgames.orgColorado Scottish Festival
August 1-2
www.scottishgames.orgMontreal Highland Games & Festival
August 1-3
www.montrealhighlandgames.qc.caBridge of Allan Highland Games
August 2
www.bofagames.comCeltic College and Kids Day Camp
August 3-6
www.celticfestival.caIsle of Skye Highland Games
August 4-5
www.skye-highland-games.co.ukKillin Highland Games
August 5
www.killingames.co.ukFeakle Traditional Music Fe